Hillary Emails Reveal that New York Times’ Military Correspondent met Secretly with State Department in 2010 to Bury Iraq War Logs

‘A 2010 correspondence found in the WikiLeaks Hillary Clinton Email Archive reveals that Michael R. Gordon of the New York Times met secretly with US State Department officials prior to the newspaper’s coverage of WikiLeaks’ Iraq War Logs. The correspondence was made public by WikiLeaks’ release of emails from a private, unsecured server used by Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton during her time as Secretary of State in the Obama administration.
In view of the Times’ long record of parroting the official line of the Pentagon and the intelligence agencies, the revelation that the US government has become the paper’s unofficial editor comes hardly as a surprise.’
Read more: Hillary Emails Reveal that New York Times’ Military Correspondent met Secretly with State Department in 2010 to Bury Iraq War Logs

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