Houthis And Allies Establish ‘Political Coalition’ To Govern Yemen

‘Even as the Houthis are effectively defeating the forces of the Saudi-led coalition who invaded them in 2015 and even as Houthi forces have actually launched a counter-invasion of Saudi Arabia, the Houthis are now making plans for a political reformation as well.
It has been announced by the Houthi leadership that a coalition forming a new “political council” that will govern Yemen and establish a new Constitution is now in the works. The council will be made up of Houthi figures as well as individuals who are part of the forces loyal to former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh. Another stated goal of the coalition is to ensure the unity of Yemen.
The council has called upon all “non-terrorist” forces in Yemen to join and assist in the unification of the country.’
Read more: Houthis And Allies Establish ‘Political Coalition’ To Govern Yemen

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