How Classy Are You?

Class is no longer dictated by wealth as style, demeanour and worldliness can now be tell-tale signs of a sophisticated person.

Saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ is the cornerstone of  a proper upbringing, according to a new survey of 2,000 Brits, followed by reading widely and having good table manners.

Avoiding text speak, being bilingual and maintaining great posture also made the top 50 touches of class.



While for men having a firm handshake, knowing when to admit you’re wrong and owning a tailored suit made the cut.

A spokesperson from European fashion brand Peter Hahn, who commissioned the study, said: ‘Projecting the essence of class successfully requires a number of factors to work harmoniously, from your dress sense to your manners to your skillset.

‘It helps if you have read your way through a bookcase of classics or can speak a couple of languages, but if your skirt is too short, your bow tie too sloppy or your posture too lax, your classy persona can falter.’

Also in the top 50 were being able to handle your drink and knowing poetry that doesn’t just begin and end with ‘I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud’ from William Wordsworth’s ‘Daffodils’.

Placing a napkin on your lap when eating and not wearing football strips as casual wear also featured.

For women, smelling nice, confidence and sensible heels are sure-fire signs of elegance.

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