How Donald Trump Can Win

I have worked with and for people like Donald Trump.

You see, such people have minds that move very fast through mountains of information and are satisfied if they capture about the most relevant 20% of the key points that convey 80% of the story.  They then have no problem telling you how much they know about the subject, while messing up on the 80% of the points that tell only 20% of the story.

Their minds can move faster than their mouths at times; while delivering a message to an audience, they might forget about the specific angle that should be taken with that audience – not that the message is different, but that different points need be emphasized or minimized.

Come out strongly against the actions of the Treasury and the Federal Reserve, especially during 2007 – 2009 but also continuing.  Hit on the point that these have maintained and improved the wealth of the 1% while doing nothing for or even destroying the wealth and livelihoods of the 99%.

This is obvious to the 99% – they just want to hear someone pound on the message and state clearly how he will act differently.

Hillary & Bill Corruption

Talk about a target rich environment!  I need not expand.


In each case, Trump can paint a picture diametrically opposite to where Hillary stands. In each case, this picture is attractive to a majority of likely and potential voters.

Donald – just stay on point.

Reprinted with permission from Bionic Mosquito.

The post How Donald Trump Can Win appeared first on LewRockwell.

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