IMF Deliberately Lied & Obstructed an Investigation into their EU Policies

‘The arrogance of those in power is typically beyond belief. Those in the International Monetary Fund have been so biased that their own refusal to review what is going on within Europe has been a great contributor to the demise of the Eurozone. It has now been acknowledged that the IMF’s top staff misled their own board based upon biased misjudgments concerning Greece.
Their pro-euro stance blinded them, for they never considered that the structure of the Eurozone might be wrong. They ignored all the warning signs of an impending crisis because they simply never understood modern monetary/currency theory. The IMF lacks anyone with basic trading experience on how the currency markets function and that is the cause of this problem.’
Read more: IMF Deliberately Lied & Obstructed an Investigation into their EU Policies

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