Invisible Government

French philosopher Jean Paul Sartre said that “words are loaded pistols.” In the hands of Russ Baker, they are hydrogen bombs. On each and every page of his masterpiece, “Family of Secrets,” he exposes the myths and lies that powerful forces have perpetrated on the American consciousness. He digs beneath the surface in a form of journalistic archeology to reveal the hidden history of one of America’s most powerful families, leaving no stone unturned. Moreover, he names all of his sources and documents the materials he relies on to unmask the hypocrisy behind the myth. From Prescott Bush’s ties to Nazi Germany to Poppy Bush’s secret role in the Watergate scandal that ousted Richard Nixon, which was, in fact, a “silent coup,” to George W. Bush’s deceit in launching the war in Iraq, Russ Baker unmasks the truth with a relentless brilliance unmatched by his peers.

Roses, as powerful families fight to the death for ultimate power. The history of Lee Harvey Oswald in the world of wealth, power and intelligence that was Dallas, Texas at the time, is amazing.

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The anodyne courses in political science and history at American colleges and universities need very much to inject Family of Secrets into the curriculum so that young Americans can be more able to understand what America is truly about as a new president strives to change and reform it. It puts the dots together in a way that makes any further naivety amongst Americans impossible. What he tells us simply cannot be ignored. One can fully expect the Establishment media to go after this book in typical fashion, as they make their usual attempt to cover up what can no longer be denied.

The family of Secrets takes to what Cyril Connolly so aptly described as the “blood crossroads of literature and politics.” After Family of Secrets, neither will ever be the same.

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The post Invisible Government appeared first on LewRockwell.

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