Is It Racist?

The Democratic-liberal-progressive wing of the anti-Trump brigade may have their differences on some issues, but they are all united in condemning Trump as a racist. Some conservatives and left-libertarians would even agree with them.

But leftists using the epithet racist to smear their enemies is nothing new. They have for years used the racist label to attack and neutralize conservative and libertarian opponents of various government programs and social movements. And they have generally been successful. It seems as though many Americans would rather be called anything but a racist and be accused of anything but racism. It has almost gotten to the point where racism is viewed as unfavorably as terrorism, genocide, starvation, torture, or Holocaust denial.

This is all the more incredible given that one thing leftists never do is define what exactly it means to be racist other than to say something, hold an opinion, make an observation, or espouse a viewpoint that they don’t like.

Consider the following—

Is it racist to oppose minority set-aside contracts?

Is it racist to loathe rap and hip hop music?

Is it racist to notice that certain minority groups are “underrepresented” in particular professions?

Is it racist to question the necessity of Congress having a Congressional Black Caucus?

Is it racist to support voter ID laws?

Is it racist to oppose same-day voter registration?

Is it racist to oppose majority-minority voting districts?

Is it racist to oppose birthright citizenship?

Is it racist to notice that minority students are disproportionately disciplined in school?

Is it racist to oppose welfare?

Is it racist to point out the out-of-wedlock birth rate of certain ethnic groups?

Is it racist to be concerned about the changing demographics of certain areas of the country?

Is it racist to not want your grandchildren to live in a country where people of their race are in the minority?

Is it racist to talk about States’ Rights?

Is it racist to talk about the Tenth Amendment?

Does saying one of these things, holding one of these opinions, making one of these observations, or espousing one of these viewpoints mean that one hates, wishes ill will toward, or intends to commit violence against some racial, ethnic, or national group? Not at all. They may, in fact, be based on common sense, historical fact, or personal preference. Racism has nothing to do with it.

The post Is It Racist? appeared first on LewRockwell.

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