ISIS using Telegram app to plot attacks on US bases in Middle East – Israeli hackers

‘Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) has issued a call to target airbases used by the US in the Middle East, an Israeli cyber-intelligence company warned, after it allegedly hacked into the terror group’s Telegram communication system.
According to Intsights, an Israeli intelligence startup based in Herzliya city, IS has listed “extremely specific targets” in the Telegram system, “with a call to attack them,” Channel 10 reported.
While a number of airfields used by the US Air Force were listed, “priority targets” singled out bases in Kuwait, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia, according to Intsights’ co-founder and vice-president of intelligence, Alon Arvatz.’
Read more: ISIS using Telegram app to plot attacks on US bases in Middle East – Israeli hackers

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