Look for Trump To Defeat the Totalitarian Media

My election predictions are not primarily based on the polls.  When I picked John Kerry to win the Democratic nomination in 2004, he was I think fourth in the polls and had mortgaged his house.  When I picked Trump as a possible nominee in early July of last year, he was fourth or fifth in the polls.  Instead, I look at all of the facts and make a judgment based on decades of experience watching the American electoral circus.

The mainstream media, which I now call Pravda, has, for the tenth time, pronounced Trump dead.  I am not convinced.  Calling them Pravda may actually be an understatement.  Most people knew Pravda was a pack of lies spewed out by the regime.  Many still think the MSM is legit.  However, it is clear to me they are basically the public relations arm of the Clinton campaign.

Let me give you two examples.  When Mr. Khan waved the Constitution, did any reporter ask him why he did so?  If they did, I missed it.  Now, it really doesn’t matter what the answer would be, whether plausible or baseless.  The point is this: it never occurred to Pravda to even ask the question because somewhere deep in the recesses of their minds, they may have realized that the answer might help Trump, a violation of the prime (unspoken) directive.rejoin Hillary when it gets to crunch time.  Another segment of Johnson supporters, actually libertarians, will either vote for Gary, vote for Trump or stay home.  Those folks are more likely to vote for Johnson if he is treated as a serious candidate by Pravda.  They will not vote for Hillary.

A third serious candidate helps Hillary because the core Democratic constituency is quite firm and rarely travels elsewhere: net tax consumers and supporters of abortion, gay rights, and open borders.  They will generally not waste their votes on a sure loser.  Remember, these are people who vote for a living.  They need to win.  They will stay with Hillary and give her a floor of about 48%.

Those who haven’t already signed on to Hillary will probably drift to Trump.  The election will ultimately be decided by the four or five percent of the voters who make up their minds at the last minute.  Usually, these are the least informed and least ideological voters.  They will tend to choose the more charismatic and telegenic candidate and we all know who that is.  That’s why I am sticking with my prediction of several months ago.  Trump, 52%, Hillary 48% (counting only the major party vote.)  I expect Johnson and Stein to be ignored in the last few weeks and fade.  Neither of them is Ross Perot and besides, Trump already has the Perot vote locked down.

The post Look for Trump To Defeat the Totalitarian Media appeared first on LewRockwell.

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