Mainstream media in credibility collapse: In bid to destroy Trump, they have destroyed themselves

‘In essence, Goodwin explains that the mainstream media is so desperately biased and unfair in its exasperating effort to destroy Donald Trump that it has obliterated any illusion of credibility it once had.
Journalism has utterly collapsed across the entire mainstream media, it turns out. The NY Times, Washington Post, USA Today, CNN, MSNBC, etc., are now nothing but tabloid rags raging against the will of the people while protecting the criminal cabal of the establishment liberal elite. From 2016 on, none of these news organizations can ever be believed on anything again. They have proven that, if given the chance, they will deliberately withhold important information from their readers while knowingly publishing false, defamatory hit pieces that are engineered solely to misinform the public and subvert the democratic process.’
Read more: Mainstream media in credibility collapse: In bid to destroy Trump, they have destroyed themselves

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