Mandated Gender Confusion

An elementary school in Albuquerque, NM has a new policy to go along with the new school year. Just in case kids are gender confused, teachers are no longer allowed to address children as “boys and girls.”

After the Bathroom Hullabaloo of 2016, you would have thought that things might settle down and we could go about our business, peeing wherever we want to pee and that would be that.

But no.

No, now children as young as kindergarten age are being taught in classrooms in which teachers have been ordered to “eliminate gender.” According to a local report:


“Understand there are many ways to express gender.”First Grade

“Explain that there are many ways to express gender.”Second Grade

“Understand there is a range of gender roles and expression,” and “Understand importance of treating others with respect regarding gender expression.”

Third Grade

“Explain that gender roles can vary considerably,” and “Understand importance of treating others with respect regarding gender identity.”Fourth Grade

“Identify how friends and family can influence ideas regarding gender roles, identity, and expression,” and “Define sexual orientation.”Fifth Grade

“Describe how media, society, and culture can influence ideas regarding gender roles, identity, and expression,” and “Identify trusted adults to ask questions about gender identity and sexual orientation.”In the “Health Education Glossary,” “biological sex” is defined as:

“Based on chromosomes, hormones, and internal and external anatomy.”While “gender” is defined as:

“A social construct based on emotional, behavioral, and cultural characteristics attached to a person’s biological sex.”Further, gender is broken down into three subcategories:

Gender Expression: “The way someone outwardly expresses their gender.”Gender Identity: “Someone’s inner sense of their gender.”Gender Roles: “Social expectations about how people should act, think, or feel based on their assigned biological sex.”

What a festering crock of biologically-unsound baloney. If a kid isn’t “gender confused” before they start the class, they certainly will be by the time the miseducation system is done with them.

Heck, now it’s even a crime to use the wrong pronoun.

And just in case this isn’t confusing enough, one university has proclaimed it is illegal to use the wrong pronoun when referring to a transgender person. West Virginia University let 29,000 students know that  “they are breaking federal law if they don’t agree to use the pronouns — including ‘he’ or ‘she,’ ‘zir’ or ‘hir’ etc. — preferred by each person.”

Criminal?  It’s a federal crime now?????

You want to know why no one likes you?


This is why no one likes you and why people are mean to you.

Well, for those of us who aren’t gender confused, no need to worry. WVU has issued a handy chart with brand spankin’ new gender-free pronouns so that you don’t commit that heinous pronoun crime.

gender free pronouns

It’s all politically correct baloney. Just be nice.

For the record, I don’t care where you pee, who you love, or if you want to be the opposite gender. That’s your business – not mine. You shouldn’t be mistreated for any of those things. But at the same time, you can’t force everyone to tiptoe around you, either, carefully assessing their pronoun usage and awkwardly worrying that they are being somehow offensive. If you don’t want people to treat YOU like a criminal, you shouldn’t want to make pronoun usage a criminal offense.

We’ve crossed over the fine line of being accepting into the territory of being idiotic. We’re giving the perpetually butthurt brand new reasons to take umbrage, and we’re making linguistic changes based on the wishes of 0.3% of the population.

And what’s worse is the fact that we are confusing children about all of this stuff. Why this biology-defying curriculum even needs to be taught is beyond me.

What if we just teach our kids not to be jerks toward kids who are different or who have different types of families, and leave it at that?

Reprinted with permission from The Organic Prepper.

The post Mandated Gender Confusion appeared first on LewRockwell.

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