Mrs May and MI5

‘At the heart of this story is Britain’s so-called domestic security and supposed intelligence service MI5, of which Mrs May was ultimately responsible for as Home Secretary and developed a very close working relationship with the spooks of Thames House, even employing some active members of MI5 as «Special Advisors» on her own staff, and coming closely under the influence of the so-called spooky «security experts» who work in and inhabit the shadows.
Indeed from reading over Mrs May’s joint Chief of Staff Nick Timothy’s ludicrous article during President Xi Jinping’s State Visit last October one is left with the very strong impression that Mr Timothy is also a mouth piece for MI5. The Timothy article was a prime example of how MI5 operate – next to no hard concrete evidence, wild and paranoid speculation, absurd and deeply offensive innuendo and smear. Mr Timothy’s clear links with MI5 raise questions of democratic accountability. Who exactly is running the British Government? Elected politicians or unelected «security experts»?’
Read more: Mrs May and MI5

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