New Documents Reveal Orlando Shooter Omar Mateen’s Allegations of Disturbing Racial Harrassment by Police Co-Workers

‘The intrigue surrounding Omar Mateen and his massacre of 47 patrons of the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida has been drowned out by the political circus of two party conventions this month. The personal details about Mateen, from his vicious abuse of his first and second wives to credible accounts of a secret gay life to the reports of his mental instability and the autopsy results confirming him as a heavy abuser of steroids, have been forgotten or suppressed by the FBI. All of these elements of Mateen’s profile, which directly contradicted the portrayal of the mass killer in mainstream American media and by politicians from both parties as an Islamic extremist acting in the name of ISIS, have conveniently fallen down the Orwellian memory hole.’
Read more: New Documents Reveal Orlando Shooter Omar Mateen’s Allegations of Disturbing Racial Harrassment by Police Co-Workers

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