New Study Finds Living Near A Fracking Site Is Tied To Migraines And Fatigue

‘New research indicates that living near a natural gas hydraulic fracturing site is associated with increased rates of sinus problems, migraines and fatigue in Pennsylvania residents – a state that has over 9,700 fracking wells.
This study is the latest in mounting scientific evidence and research proving that fracking has severe health risks. It follows a July 2016 Johns Hopkins study showing that fracking is linked to increased asthma attacks in Pennsylvania, a recent analysis of over 680 peer-reviewed studies that indicate ‘concerns for public health, air quality and water quality,’ and a compendium of peer-reviewed scientific papers, numerous government reports and findings, demonstrating the risks of fracking to public health, air and water quality, birth and infant health, the environment, and climate change.’
Read more: New Study Finds Living Near A Fracking Site Is Tied To Migraines And Fatigue

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