Omaha Man Overdoses on Dangerous Schedule I Drug, Insults Cat and Goes to Bed

‘Schedule I drugs are scary stuff. They’re the substances the DEA has determined “have no currently accepted medical use and high potential for abuse.” Like heroin or Quaaludes or MDMA.
Heroin is implicated in thousands of fatal drug overdoses every year. Nobody does ‘ludes anymore, but late ’70s Miami Vice types managed to kill themselves with those prehistoric roofies back in the day. MDMA isn’t addictive or nearly as deadly as heroin, but a few dozen people die under its influence every year.
The DEA just this month reaffirmed its position that another widely-used substance is too dangerous and unproven to be place anywhere but Schedule I: marijuana. Yeah, that’s right, the DEA considers weed as dangerous as heroin.’
Read more: Omaha Man Overdoses on Dangerous Schedule I Drug, Insults Cat and Goes to Bed

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