‘PM of conflict’: Netanyahu to blame for pushing Palestinians out of jobs, says SodaStream CEO

‘The CEO of SodaStream has accused Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu of being responsible for the sacking of hundreds of Palestinian employees at his company, blaming him for dismantling the “island of peace” the firm had created for both Jews and Palestinians.
Speaking during an exclusive interview with the Times of Israel, SodaStream CEO Daniel Birnbaum accused Netanyahu of being personally involved in a bureaucratic process which forced the company to fire its Palestinian employees.
According to Birnbaum, it all began when SodaStream decided it needed more space, and opted to close its West Bank factory. The move did, however, follow a boycott campaign against the company, in which critics accused it of making money on land “stolen” by Israel.’
Read more: ‘PM of conflict’: Netanyahu to blame for pushing Palestinians out of jobs, says SodaStream CEO

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