Putin’s ‘Turkish March’ Towards a New Security Architecture

by David Christie

At the United Nations General Assembly in September of 2015, the year of 70th anniversary of the founding of the UN and the defeat of fascism after World War II, Vladimir Putin proposed that the nations of the world come together to create a coalition against terrorism:

“On the basis of international law, we must join efforts to address the problems that all of us are facing and create a genuinely broad international coalition against terrorism.

“Similar to the anti-Hitler coalition, it could unite a broad range of forces that are resolutely resisting those who, just like the Nazis, sow evil and hatred of humankind. And, naturally, the Muslim countries are to play a key role in the coalition, even more so because the Islamic State does not only pose a direct threat to them, but also desecrates one of the greatest world religions by its bloody crimes.”

A week after Putin’s offer was met with silence, Ankara was rocked by suicide bomb blasts that ripped through a peace rally, killing 103 people; weeks later, 224 people were killed when Metrojet Flight 9268 was downed, with mostly Russians on board returning from vacations in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. And then there were Brussels, Paris, Orlando and Nice, not to mention the daily horror show in population centers throughout the Middle East and North Africa. The political “leadership” and mainstream media of the trans-Atlantic community have told us that this is now the “new normal.”

Normalizing terrorism as an accepted phenomenon of life is a form of insanity. Anyone serious about shaping the new presidency and its security policy will reject this form of insanity, and embrace President Vladimir Putin’s offer of collaboration to form an international coalition against terrorism. Furthermore, they will use the combined release of the 28 Pages of the Congressional Joint Inquiry into 9/11 and the Chilcot Report on the UK’s role in the Iraq War as only the first step in exposing the forces of the British Empire who use terrorism for geopolitical aims, and bring them to justice in new Nuremburg Tribunals.

And, finally, anyone serious about security will know that it comes through economic development, as the principle enshrined in the Treaty of Westphalia made clear—for peace, all sides must work for the “advantage of the other.” These principles are at the core of the New Silk Road policy outlined by Lyndon LaRouche and his wife, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, over 25 years ago. The leadership of Russia and China understand these principles, and Putin’s latest collaborative efforts in Turkey are a case in point.

Putin’s Turkish March

Putin’s recent moves in Turkey indicate the nature of the new security architecture that is now being discussed on the planet, and which should be a central feature to the new presidency immediately. Putin’s actions over the course of this last year since the United Nations General Assembly have shown a powerful mastery of the strategic situation, and the complex relations with Turkey are a prime example. The Turkish decision to shoot down a Russian fighter jet, combined with their blatant logistical and material support of terrorists in Syria in collaboration with Obama, did not make for good relations between Russia and Turkey.

In June of this year, the situation dramatically shifted. Erdogan apologized to Putin for the incident involving the downed fighter jet, and also announced their joint intention to hold a face-to-face meeting. On cue, terrorists killed 45 people and wounded 230 at the Istanbul Airport the next day. Lyndon LaRouche pointed to the Chechen role in the terrorist attack as a signal of the British hand in the operation. Then, weeks later, there was an attempted coup d’état to remove Erdogan as president. Putin was one of the first and only world leaders to call Erdogan to offer support for the stability of the nation of Turkey.

This was the context for the meeting between Putin and Erdogan that took place on August 9th. They discussed major economic deals and collaboration in the fight against terrorism in Syria, including setting up a joint task force involving top officials of the military, intelligence services and the foreign ministry. Erdogan identified the key role of Russia in establishing peace in Syria, calling for mutual action by Russia and Turkey, and then blasted the game of naming certain terrorists “good and bad,” a game that Obama and his British Imperial handlers have played ad nauseam for geopolitical aims.

However, the profound nature of Putin’s intervention was further elaborated the day before in Baku, Azerbaijan, where he met with the presidents of Iran and Azerbaijan to discuss the “North-South Transport Corridor”—a 4500-mile corridor running from the Arabian Sea to Scandinavia. This project will now engage Russia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, and Iran, and will fold into China’s One Belt, One Road project—bringing greater stability to the entire Caspian Sea, Balkan, and Caucasus region.

LaRouche referred to the combined effect of the Putin/ Erdogan summit and the North-South Transport Corridor, saying that “the course of history has been changed… what I saw as a possibility has now been realized. A new alignment of Eurasia is now moving forward, and whatever efforts Obama and NATO might make to stop it are now too little, too late.”

It is Time to Know Thy Enemy

Building walls and “having the balls” to use nukes, is not a security policy for the new presidency. As the 28 Pages and the Chilcot Report show, we have no enemies except the British Empire and their operatives—who ran 9/11 as a pretext to launch a perpetual war policy, ultimately targeting Russia, China, India and the growing roster of nations who are moving beyond the “unipolar” world of empire, and collaborating on the One Belt, One Road, and the myriad of economic projects that are bringing nations together in a spirit of mutual benefit. These policies are the fruit of a 40-year dialogue led by the LaRouches in Eurasia. These are the policies central to the new presidency, and LaRouche’s direct role in shaping that fight is critical, starting with the adoption of his “Four Laws.” Security begins with accepting President Xi Jinping’s offer to collaborate on the New Silk Road concept, as well as accepting Putin’s offer for an international coalition against terrorism.

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