Reuters polls 12% more Democrats than Republicans to come up with a result of Hillary leading by 5%

‘Recent Gallop poll shows that there are only 3% more registered Democrats than registered Republicans.
Recent Reuters poll shows Clinton leading by 5%, however look closely how they came up with this conclusion.
They had 650 Democrats, 496 Republicans and 196 Independents..
So, in their survey 650 out of 1522 is 42.7%. We round it to 43%, that is the percentage of the people polled who are Democrats. Further, 496 out of 1522 is 31%-are Republicans.
So Reuters has 12% more Democrats than Republicans in their survey, when they know that there are only 3% more Democrats in the population. So, Reuters over-polled the Democrats by at least 9% and they are claiming that Clinton is leading by 5%. This means that in reality Trump is leading by about 4%.’
Read more: Reuters polls 12% more Democrats than Republicans to come up with a result of Hillary leading by 5%

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