Syria Moderately: ‘I was playing with friends when Rebel bomb hit me’ (in West Aleppo)

‘As we explained on this past weekend’s SUNDAY WIRE SHOW, one of the main features of the western-NATO psy-op for Syria is to ignore the existence of 1.5 million people in WEST Aleppo – all under the protection of the Syrian government security forces.
The reason for this increasingly tragic western media tactic is simple: to create the western public perception that, “Assad and ‘the Russians’ are shelling their own people in Aleppo.” This dumbed-down, half-cocked narrative seems to work well enough with CNN’s marginal, post-literate American audience, and also for their teary-eyed news anchors crying over the staged Dusty Boy scene. The reality is that only about 220,000 people remain encamped in terrorist (‘moderate Rebel’)-held East Aleppo.’
Read more: Syria Moderately: ‘I was playing with friends when Rebel bomb hit me’ (in West Aleppo)

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