Texas CPS rips children from family after autistic daughter escapes hotel and drowns in nearby lake

‘The Wartena family of seven was returning from vacation, traveling home to California, when they were suddenly faced with the most tragic of circumstances. The family, stopping off to lodge at the La Kiva Hotel in Texas, was unprepared for what happened next. When their seven-year-old autistic daughter, Alexis Wartena, went missing that evening, the family called for police help and began to desperately search the area.
The hotel was adjacent to a large body of water, the T-Anchor Lake. The land behind the hotel is rugged and drops off, giving way to the city lake.
That Tuesday evening played out in horror for the family. As they searched frantically for their missing child, Michael Wartena and Tiffany Stewart were confronted by police investigators who launched a six hour “investigation” that was dead set on forcing some kind of confession from the mother.’
Read more: Texas CPS rips children from family after autistic daughter escapes hotel and drowns in nearby lake

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