The ‘Age of Destruction’ Should Give Way to the ‘Age of Re-Construction’

Over the past few days, multiple diplomatic initiatives and statements manifest the active intervention to uplift the world order, by Russia, China and India, with President Vladimir Putin in the lead. Much activity centers on Syria. In Turkey on Aug. 20, Prime Minister Binali Yildirim stated that, for finding a solution in Syria, there is a place for current Syrian President Bashar al Assad in a transitional government—which is a shift in outlook, Yildirim indicated, stemming from, in “important share,” Turkey’s new relationship with Russia.

Also on Aug. 20, a special envoy from India was in Syria. Deputy Foreign Minister Mubashir Javed Akbar met President Assad in Damascus. Akbar, offering help to Syria, said that, “the age of destruction” should give way to the age of “reconstruction.” In New Delhi, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Dmitry Rogozin conferred directly over the weekend with Prime Minister Narendra Modi on these affairs, and on the upcoming state visit of Putin to India, as well as the BRICS meeting in Goa in October.

Adding to the impetus for settlement throughout Southwest Asia, in Cairo last night, Egyptian President Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi told the press that Putin has offered to host direct talks between the Palestinians and Israelis. Moreover, direct Russia-Saudi talks took place in Jeddah last weekend, between Mikhail Bogdanov, Putin’s special envoy for the Middle East and Africa; and the Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir, and the Deputy Crown Prince and Defense Minister Mohammed bin Salman al Saud. A Russian foreign ministry release stated that there is a “mutual intention to continue efforts” to find solutions to the conflict situations in the Middle East and North Africa.

There are new initiatives in South and East Asia. Today in Myanmar, First State Counsellor Aun San Suu Kyi, just back from five days in China, is conferring with Indian Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj, on mutual concerns of security and development throughout the region, especially key transportation links across all of the Bay of Bengal nations, through to China.

The latest expression of the push for development in the Pacific, comes in the Philippines, where the venerable Chamber of Commerce, has asked the new Duterte government to initiate the completion and operation of the Bataan nuclear reactor, which was stopped in 1986 as a result of British and U.S. interference.

What caps off the picture, is an announcement yesterday from Russia, that its rocketry program will accelerate the development of a heavy-lift (Saturn V class) rocket, capable of some 80 tons of payload—eventually up to 160 tons—for a manned lunar mission launched in one vehicle, instead of requiring multiple missions with less-capable rockets. “I’m sure we can have a heavy-lift rocket in record time, about five to seven years,” said the head of Energia Corporation, constructing it.

EIR Founding Editor Lyndon LaRouche, when briefed on this as an ‘improvement’ in rocket power for lunar activity, corrected any limited implication of what’s involved. He stressed, we need to know and compose an accurate mapping of what the Moon is. How is it composed? To know that, you have to know, what is the backside of the Moon? You have to have the detail; and fill it out, shape it. Proceed on the work!

The near side (left) vs. the far side (right) of the moon. Notice the dark patches which cover the near side, created by volcanic floods, are nearly absent on the near side.

Read More on“The Far Side of the Moon”

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