The Obama Crisis is Upon Us Now

The biggest single obstacle to the world moving into a new global paradigm of cooperative development, scientific advances, and a new era of space exploration and discovery, is the multiple crises that have been provoked by British agent Barack Obama over the course of his seven-and-a-half years in office.

It is fortunate that world leaders will be gathering in a series of summit meetings, beginning in the next weeks, that will afford an opportunity to face these accelerating crises and, under the leadership of individuals like Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, and Narendra Modi, take bold action. Xi Jinping has already made clear that he will use his chairmanship of this year’s G-20 to revive the original objective of creating a new global financial and economic architecture (the G-20 evolved from President Bill Clinton’s G-22 initiative to come up with solutions to the 1997-1998 phase of the still-onrushing global financial collapse).

The Obama disasters are hitting around the globe, including in the United States, where Obamacare is on the verge of a blowout, with major health insurance companies insisting on rate hikes for 2017 of 40-62 percent, and many states unable to maintain the health insurance markets that Obama had claimed would reduce insurance rates and expand coverage.

Obama’s failed policies in the Middle East and North Africa continue to be a hair-trigger for a major war with Russia. Pentagon officials have issued direct threats to shoot down Russian and Syrian planes if they threaten U.S. Special Forces personnel who are operating with Syrian rebel groups inside Syrian territory–in flagrant violation of Syrian sovereignty. Yesterday, the folly of the Obama policy reached an all-time low, with U.S. forces providing support to a Turkish-led invasion of northern Syria, to combat both ISIS {and} Kurdish fighters–who are also backed by U.S. military personnel. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who is to meet with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry in Geneva on Friday and Saturday, made clear that there can be no joint U.S.-Russia war on the Islamic State, unless the U.S. makes clear that Washington is not supporting the Al Qaeda Nusra Front, which recently changed its name and claimed to have dropped its Al Qaeda ties.

In the Asia-Pacific region, the deployment of the U.S. THAAD missile defense system to South Korea has increased the risk of war in that volatile area. The U.S. and South Korea are now conducting joint maneuvers off the Korean coast, which has prompted North Korea to launch a test of a submarine-based missile, which landed in Japan’s ADIZ in the East China Sea.

Despite clear evidence of genocide on the part of the Saudis in their war on Yemen, the United States continues to provide key support to the Saudi war coalition, and continues to sell hundreds of billions of dollars in weapons to the Kingdom–even after the release of the 28 pages from the original Joint Inquiry report on 9/11, that showed deep Saudi regime support for the terrorists that attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

Everything that President Obama has touched since coming into office has proven to be a disaster, and the cumulative effect of his war policies and his monetary and economic policies have brought the world to the brink of disaster.

At the same time, the efforts by Russia, China, India, and other countries of the Eurasian region have created new opportunities for economic growth, through projects well underway, under the One Belt, One Road program of China, which is now also adopted by the Eurasian Economic Union and is being joined increasingly be ASEAN nations and others.

It’s long overdue for Obama to be dumped, and his British-dictated policies dumped along with him.

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