The Situation In Ukraine Is Serious: ‘We Don’t Rule Out A Full-Scale Russian Invasion’

‘The situation of the rising tensions between Ukraine and Russia is being paralleled by the war of words between the countries’ two leaders. As mentioned in a previous article, Vladimir Putin is still not satisfied with the alleged actions by Ukrainian commandos that killed one FSB officer and one enlisted man on two separate incidents. Putin went on to say that any meetings between Poroshenko and himself in the upcoming G-20 summit would be “pointless,” and accused Ukraine of conducting terror attacks.
To further complicate the issue, the attacks were labeled as “border incursions,” as they occurred in Crimea, which was annexed by Russia in 2014. In addition to this, the 24th of August is rapidly approaching, and this is the date that Ukrainians celebrate their Independence Day…from the Soviet Union. ‘
Read more: The Situation In Ukraine Is Serious: ‘We Don’t Rule Out A Full-Scale Russian Invasion’

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