The Trilateral Commission

‘While people celebrated the Shah’s demise in Tehran, Zbigniew Brzezinski was on his way to Kuwait City for a meeting with Kuwaiti Emir Jaber al-Sabah, Saudi officials and Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.
It was agreed that Hussein’s Republican Guard would invade oil-rich Khuzistan and amputate it from the rest of Iran. Oil prices had just begun to stabilize when Iraq launched its first salvo, sending spot futures through the roof.
Bzrezinski co-founded the Trilateral Commission (TC) in 1973 with David Rockefeller. The concept was hatched at the Rockefeller Pocontico Hills, NY estate in July 1972. Rockefeller served as the group’s first chairman. One of its largest financial supporters is the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. All eight North American representatives present at the founding meeting were also members of the secretive Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The stated purpose of TC was to form a triad of global influence consisting of North America, Western Europe and Japan.’
Read more: The Trilateral Commission

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