The US Plays Poker

My last article about the threat of a nuclear war generated a lot of responses. People certainly aren’t comfortable with the United States government having this kind of life-and-death control over their lives. In fact, they have had this type of control over us for quite some time now. The United States government parades the ultimate Orwellian hypocrisy before the eyes of the world with this “freedom” label that has less truth to it than a bogus weight loss plan.

The United States government has the power to use nuclear weapons when it sees fit to do so without any neutral oversight or third-party control verifying we are under attack. In addition, there is no third-party than can order the government to cease and desist from a course of action that could lead up to a nuclear war, such as this brinksmanship gambit with Russia. This is simply too much power to be in the hands of one man or woman or even a group of them all dedicated to some vague military/political objective that does not involve immediate self-defense. I can actually argue self-defense with nuclear weapons is theoretically impossible since knowing you will die in self-defense is not self-defense. It’s more of a kamikaze type of retaliation of “taking you with me”. The United States government has pulled the ultimate scam on us, selling us on these nuclear weapons as “defensive”.strike. That war game nearly resulted in a very real nuclear war. Soviet bombers were spooling up on the tarmac before Reagan got scared enough to stop the exercise.

Understand this: If the United States government and NATO are right, the Russians will back down no matter what crisis unfolds. They will be awed by NATO military power which has been so successful over in Syria. They will be awed by the ability of American and European military might to defeat a guerilla army in Syria that hasn’t got an air force, navy, or strategic weapons. Russia will do whatever they are told, up to and including Ukraine being pulled into NATO. But if the United States and NATO turn out to be wrong, Russia will not back down. Then what? Well, if Russia is not intimidated by conventional weapons, the United States and NATO will threaten the use of nuclear weapons. Perhaps blockade Russia from sea and air traffic coming in or out. And if Russia doesn’t back down then? This is where being wrong turns out to be lethally wrong. This is where the ICBMs are on “launch on warning” with a hair trigger.

Again, the United States has not successfully predicted the outcome of any military action since World War Two. It cannot successfully predict victory, nor achieve it. It cannot say with certainty that something it is doing will have positive results. It cannot say with certainty that what it is doing in regards to Russia will not lead up to a nuclear war. It tells us the Russians must be “stopped now”. Oh? And this is based upon what? Another scenario where stopping the Russians ushers in another era of peace and prosperity as we have witnessed in the Middle East? I daresay the American people better start building fallout shelters now and avoid the rush later with these veritable Solons and Pericles’ in charge. I suppose that if the United States government tells us a nuclear war will absolutely not happen, we better start getting our affairs in order and completing all those things we wished to do before death.

What we are living in is not just an evil regime bent on an “all or nothing” poker hand with the Russians, but a kamikaze regime. We have a government that likes to play poker, but the Russians are chess players. That is why the United States government cannot think ahead. They can only think of winning this one hand and what is the probability of drawing that third ace to fill a full house. But the Russians are thinking ten moves ahead and what they’ll do if they manage to capture the American queen and both rooks off the board in a series of gambits planned in advance. The United States thinks it’s got another ace coming. But do we? I’m not seeing it. I think we’re holding aces and eights over here. The Dead Man’s Hand.

The post The US Plays Poker appeared first on LewRockwell.

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