They’re Coming for Your Keys

Originally published by

USA – We feared it was going to happen. And guess what? It did.

Today, July 14, 2026, on the tenth anniversary of the Nice, France, truck rampage, the President made a stunning announcement.  Henceforth, the private ownership of vehicles would be forbidden across the nation.  In the future, only the police, the army and government officials will have the privilege of driving.

The government, explained the President, had exhausted all other options. Our nation, it seems, will follow the same route it took years ago when it tried to ban the private ownership of firearms.

In this endeavor, they were greatly aided by the medical group Doctors Against Driving (DAD). DAD conducted a scientific survey asking patients whether they’d rather be kicked by a horse or get run over by a Mack truck.  The majority of respondents preferred being kicked by a horse as long as it wasn’t in the head.

Opposing them was the organization Physicians for Responsible Ownership or PRO. PRO reminded the public of the disastrous attempt at gun confiscation that had failed a decade earlier. We all remember that when 3D printers started producing firearms, the government finally gave up.  To the bureaucrats’ surprise, the next terrorist that opened fire in a café was gunned down by the patrons who didn’t wait for the police to show up.

That’s all for now. I need time to walk to work.

Reprinted with permission from

The post They’re Coming for Your Keys appeared first on LewRockwell.

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