What’s With Hillary’s Health?

In their usual fingers-in-ears-la-la-la fashion, the mainstream media and Hillary Clinton supporters are all in denial that there is an issue with the Democratic nominee’s health, despite mounting evidence that something is seriously wrong. In fact, they’re trying to manipulate the issue to make those who are concerned look like they are the ones with problems because only crazy right-wing conspiracy theorists would say otherwise.

This weekend, a photo began to go viral of HRC being helped up the stairs and looking pretty darned frail. But, if you notice, she isn’t dressed for summer in these photos.

hrc stairs

Hillary being helped up the stairs

While the photos are making the rounds like the event just happened, it was actually snapped about six months ago, when she slipped going up some stairs in South Carolina last February. The mainstream delightedly jumped on the date of the photo as proof that everything is rosy in Clintonland.

  • Of the video of her siezure when surrounded by reporters, “The reporters, who had covered Clinton for a year, interpreted her exaggerated head-bobbing as a joke at how she’d been suddenly surrounded — and as a successful attempt at ending the scrum. It did not occur to them that it would become seen as evidence of a “seizure,” as people suffering from seizures do not typically laugh and continue to hold cups of coffee.”
  • “None of the evidence, often shared (or sent to reporters) with the hashtag #HillarysHealth, held up. In every case, a Clinton moment that had been captured by the media was reinterpreted and wrenched out of context.”
  • Regardless of the coverup, we do have the right to know the truth about Hillary Clinton’s health, but truth and HRC never seem to be close companions. Not only is the campaign itself covering for her, but the mainstream media is as well. Aside from a few influential media outlets like Drudge Report, Zero Hedge, and Breitbart, you are only hearing this from bloggers who are screaming it from the rafters.

    So what can we do about this?

    There is power in refusing to be silent. We can ask these questions and share this information. We can voice our doubts and make sure that people can’t ignore these photos and videos of what are most certainly serious symptoms. We can uncover the coverup.

    There’s only so much that the mainstream can do to hide this. We must demand answers.

    Frankly, I’m not even sure Hillary Clinton is healthy enough to make it through the election, more less, run the country.

    Reprinted with permission from The Organic Prepper.

    The post What’s With Hillary’s Health? appeared first on LewRockwell.

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