Who Should Have the Nuclear Codes?

The latest attack on Donald Trump from Pravda (the mainstream media) is that we can’t trust him with the nuclear codes. Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw nukes. Hillary helped start illegal wars in Libya and Syria, resulting in murder and mayhem in those countries which continues to this day.

For the details, see The Impeachment of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton: for High Crimes in Syria and Libya. In Syria, there was and is a serious risk of a military confrontation with Russia, one of the big three nuclear powers. Nuclear war is most likely to break out by accident as a result of confrontations in such proxy wars.

justified in any way.

How much do nukes cost? No one seems to know. It may be as much as $50 billion each year. It may be more. That’s a lot of money to waste on a program that provides us with no actual defense against either nuclear attacks or terrorist attacks, encourages other countries to develop nuclear weapons to match our own illusion of power and creates the serious risk of a boomerang effect whereby our own nukes end up being used against us during a civil war.

Thus, in the new era of international ter- rorism, chronic domestic civil unrest, endless disputes and hostilities among racial, ethnic and religious groups and extreme polarization of political views, the existence of thousands of nuclear weapons scattered throughout the country and the world is a serious threat to our security and not even necessary to deter nu- clear threats. It is time to dismantle America’s useless, prohibitively expensive and dangerous nuclear arsenal before we get hoisted on our own petard.

Reprinted with the author’s permission.

The post Who Should Have the Nuclear Codes? appeared first on LewRockwell.

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