Your Betters Know Better

Dr. Paul Gordon, a 61-year-old communist and “medical school professor” at the University of Arizona, recently finished peddling across America on his bicycle. Not only had he long dreamed of such an odyssey, but he also turned it into a “’listening tour’…, talking along the way to Americans about the controversial health law that President Obama signed six years ago. … [He] conceived his ride as a scholarly exercise”—ha,ha! Who says commies can’t pun?—“that would generate academic papers about perceptions of the health law…”

Those “perceptions” hearten anyone who loves liberty even as they horrified Comrade Gordon and the reporter covering his trip: “Much of what Gordon uncovered was as unsettling as the current presidential campaign.” Oh, come on, guys: nothing’s as “unsettling” as “CanklesClinton’s lying for 13 minutes straight. “Americans raged at the government, at the healthcare system, at fellow citizens who’d gained coverage through Obamacare.”

Yeehaw! Far from squashed dead and buried, the American spirit is alive and well and inspiring fury at Our Rulers! People hate the “healthcare system,” and rightly so, given its callousness, impersonality, and hideous expense after 120 years of government’s messing with it. And Americans loathe the undeserving poor, too, despite a century of Marxist propaganda that working for the benefit of those who won’t ennobles rather than victimizes us.

Get that? We don’t detest Obummercare—and communism in general—for its penalizing of hard work and initiative and its rewarding of such vices as sloth, greed, and covetousness. No, we reject it because we’re stupid. We need enlightened comrades like Gordon to show us why nationalized medical insurance trumps providing for ourselves and our families while expecting others to do the same.

Meanwhile, our northern neighbors may get a dose of the Comrade’s superior wisdom, too. He’s “thinking about another potential project – a ride across Canada to talk with Canadians about their healthcare system.”

As if patients there haven’t suffered enough already.

The post Your Betters Know Better appeared first on LewRockwell.

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