Adolf Hitler, Social Climber

Europe’s aristocracy fell over itself trying to support and promote Adolf Hitler during the Third Reich, a new book published in Germany has revealed.

The Nazi dictator even granted ‘honorary Aryan’ status to a Jewish princess because of her social contacts which Hitler craved to turn to political advantage.

He was obsessed with the British royal family and went out of his way to cultivate contacts with European bluebloods who had links to the House of Windsor, the book claims.

‘Hitler’s Secret Helpers’ by historian Karina Urbach chronicles how the noble families of Germany and Austria were vital to the ambitions of the guttersnipe ex-corporal in his rise to the top.

‘Many of them helped in the rise of Hitler and gave him support in the social arena with the glare of publicity falling upon them,’ said Frau Urbach.

Despite her Jewish origins, Hitler was particularly spellbound by a woman he called his ‘Dear Princess’ – Stephanie von Hohenlohe-Waldenburg Schillingsfürst who died in 1972.

The dictator personally gave her the coveted Gold Medal of the Nazi Party for her services to the Reich in 1938 and bestowed on her the Aryan status, even though she was born a Jewish commoner and married into the Austrian nobility.

‘She was rewarded because she used her good relations in the nobility for years behind the scenes to open doors for Hitler allowing him to hold political talks with influential people,’ said the historian whose work has been received with positive critical acclaim.

‘Like many other aristocrats, she was one of Hitler’s secret helpers.’

Although Hitler boasted that Nazism was the true classless society, where worker and industrialist, aristocrat and bank clerk were equal, it was a myth.

‘Due to their close friendship and kinship relationships across national borders, they formed an international network which Hitler used,’ added the author.

Another noble he courted and used for his contacts was Prince Max Egon zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg, who lived until 1968.

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