Bye, Bye to the Refugee Resettlement Program

Texas sent a letter Wednesday to the Office of Refugee Resettlement officially announcing its intent to withdraw from the federal refugee resettlement program by September 30 if the federal government does not ensure refugees pose any security threat.

Wednesday’s letter and the decision comes after the ORR’s unwillingness to approve Texas’ updated state refugee plan which would require national security officials to ensure refugees to not pose a security threat to Texas.

“The federal government’s refugee settlement program is riddled with serious problems that pose a threat to our nation. The director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the director of National Intelligence have repeatedly declared their inability to fully screen refugees from terrorist-based nations,” said Texas Governor Greg Abbott in a prepared statement.

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“Even with the inability to properly vet refugees from Syria and countries known to be supporters or propagators of terrorism, President Obama is now ineptly proposing a dramatic increase in the number of refugees to be resettled in the U.S,” Abbott said.

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The post Bye, Bye to the Refugee Resettlement Program appeared first on LewRockwell.

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