Clinton Speeches- Using Green Screen Technologies- Speeches Removed From Website- Unable to RSVP? Tiny Venues? This Doesn’t Add Up…

‘After seeing many folks asserting that Clinton’s recent Greensboro NC speech was utilizing free screen technology- which allows the images seen in a video to be heavily manipulated and filmed in a green screen studio as opposed to the actual location- I decide to have a closer look at the speech/venue that she is scheduled to give today in Orlando Florida at the Frontline Outreach Center located at 3000 C.R. Smith St.
I could not find this speaking event listed on Clinton’s website even after specifically searching for events today in Orlando- the only events posted were more grassroots in nature, calling banks etc. I did however find the details on this speaking event through other sources after a DuckDuckGo search. I found it odd that her speech would not be listed as a campaign event on her own campaign website. But I suspect I have now discovered exactly why that is.’
Read more: Clinton Speeches- Using Green Screen Technologies- Speeches Removed From Website- Unable to RSVP? Tiny Venues? This Doesn’t Add Up…

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