CNN Complains That Mocking the Media Undermines American Democracy, Compares to Saddam Hussein Era in Iraq

‘CNN’s Ashleigh Banfield and Dylan Byers bemoaned the mocking and distrust of the American media by Republicans and Donald Trump on Friday, with Byers saying it undermined the American political system and Banfield likening it to Saddam Hussein’s Iraq.
After playing a clip of Trump gleefully telling his audience in New Hampshire on Thursday that his press pool was going to be late, Banfield wondered why the crowd would cheer such news.
“Do people not realize or are they forgetting that other critical element of it?” she asked. “Either you have a media, or you have what I witnessed in Saddam’s era … where you never got to actually call yourself press or you’d go to jail for it.”’

Read more: CNN Complains That Mocking the Media Undermines American Democracy, Compares to Saddam Hussein Era in Iraq

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