‘Correct, but say Britain and Iraq’: Zakharova on UK slamming Moscow for ‘protracting’ Syria war

‘The Russian Foreign Ministry’s spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, lashed out at the British Foreign Minister Boris Johnson after he claimed in an interview with the BBC that Russia is “guilty of protracting” war in Syria and potentially of committing war crimes.
“All correct, expect for two words: one should put ‘Britain’ instead of ‘Russia’ and ‘Iraq’ instead of ‘Syria’,” Zakharova said in a Facebook post, responding to the British minister’s comments.
Speaking on the Andrew Marr show on the BBC, Johnson said that he believes Russia is “guilty of protracting” the war in Syria and of “making it far more hideous”.’
Read more: ‘Correct, but say Britain and Iraq’: Zakharova on UK slamming Moscow for ‘protracting’ Syria war

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