Danish girl falls sick after receiving HPV vaccine from doctors who lied, ‘this vaccine has no side effects’

‘A young woman from Denmark has become one of the latest victims of the Gardasil vaccine scam after multiple doctors lied to her about its safety. As relayed by SaneVax.org, the story of Sanni Charlotte Falcke is all too familiar — a trusted physician urged Sanni to get the jab on the false promise that “this vaccine has no side effects,” only to result in a cascade of chronic symptoms that has permanently changed this young woman’s life.
What began as a simple biopsy for a preexisting condition led to Sanni being propositioned by her doctor to get the Gardasil shot because she was allegedly in the “risk zone” for cervical cancer. Sanni initially rejected this proposition, partly out of concern about its safety and partly because the vaccine is quite expensive. But when Denmark several years later began to offer the vaccine for “free” (paid for by taxpayers), Sanni decided to reconsider.’
Read more: Danish girl falls sick after receiving HPV vaccine from doctors who lied, ‘this vaccine has no side effects’ 

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