Does Hillary Use a Body Double?

An interesting story about a purported “Hillary Double” is now bouncing around the internet, even though it has not yet broken through the “glass ceiling” that covers the Mainstream Media (MSM), except for a few places where it is mentioned in hushed tones, as yet another “conspiracy theory.”

In the latest case of a politician with a  body double (there have been rumors of others, besides those of Hillary Clinton and Lyndon Johnson), the rumor suggests that Clinton has had a decades-long association with a lookalike named Teresa Barnwell.  The photos below were published at the website Viral Liberty today:[i]


The accompanying report notes the fact that when Mrs. Clinton left the event at the 9/11 memorial ceremony she collapsed and had to be lifted by several of her attendants into her van.  Clearly, that vehicle is specially equipped to accommodate her needs and is never very far away from where she is.  After it drove off, instead of taking the obviously very ill candidate to a hospital, it turned out that less than an hour later, she emerged from her daughter Chelsea’s apartment building looking as “fit as a fiddle.”  Still another rumor has it that Chelsea’s apartment includes a special room that is equipped just for her mother’s needs: A standard hospital room, with the bed and all the other related medical appliances one might find in a hospital.  watchdog, might have had the power to do these things?   The only realistic answer to that question is:  “No one” (other than Wasserman himself, who would do anything to accommodate his friend the president, knowing that back-scratching is a two person exercise).

A few months later, LBJ’s cousin J. B. Peck was murdered (according to researchers who have studied the numerous anomalies related to his death).  I have presented compelling circumstantial evidence that this is one of several such crimes committed by the murderous mortician John Liggett  (though Liggett was never charged because Peck’s death was ruled a “suicide”).  But it is not speculative whatsoever that, three years after that, Liggett returned to the same house and tried to kill Peck’s wife; unfortunately for him, she survived and reported the attack, and the attacker, to police.  After he was arrested, Liggett was given the keys to his handcuffs while being transferred to a court for a hearing and of course he attempted to escape; as if “on queue” he was quickly shot in the back and killed by a sheriff’s deputy.

Much, much more detailed information about this and other related stories are contained in my book “LBJ: From Mastermind to The Colossus,“ available at book dealers and internet stores like Amazon, Books-a-Million and Barnes and Noble.  To order, a signed copy of this book sends an email to


The post Does Hillary Use a Body Double? appeared first on LewRockwell.

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