Does She or Doesn’t She?

Pneumonia is a preventable condition, but you need a strong immune system to resist the infection. Pneumonia is inflammation of the lung tissue caused by a virus, bacteria, or fungus. It may be contagious if caused by an infectious microbe. But if it is caused by chemical fumes or other poisons, then it is not contagious.

As we age, the risk of pneumonia increases, because our immune system becomes weaker, so it is less successful in fighting off illness. Let’s examine the causes of pneumonia in the elderly and look at some ways to boost our immune system naturally to better prevent pneumonia.

Causes of pneumonia in elderly

Lastly, it’s highly important that you reduce stress or control it as much as possible. Stress is quite taxing on the body, and chronic stress can have lasting detrimental effects. When you are stressed, cortisol is released, and if you are constantly stressed, cortisol remains in the body. Stress and its side effects include a rise in blood pressure, a quicker beating heart, and other effects, which can all contribute to a weaker immune system. You may find that during times of high stress you are more likely to catch a cold or other illness. This is because your body is being beaten down from inside as a result of stress.

Finding effective natural ways to manage your stress can help you boost your immune system and stay healthy.

If you follow these tips, you can have a better chance of boosting your immune function and keeping your immune system healthy. This way you can lower your risk of developing pneumonia, which can be life-threatening for seniors.

Reprinted with permission from Bel Marra Health.

The post Does She or Doesn’t She? appeared first on LewRockwell.

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