ECB “Refused To Answer Questions” – “Systemic Threat” Of Deutsche Is “Not ECB Fault”

The potential collapse of Deutsche Bank and the systemic risk it poses to banks and the European financial and monetary system moved into the German political sphere yesterday. The German government denied it was preparing a rescue of the embattled bank and the Bundestag attempted to ask questions of ECB President Mario Draghi about the causes of the “systemic risks” posed by the bank.

draghi_ECBRalph Orlowski | Reuters
ECB President Mario Draghi refused to answer questions in German parliament

The ECB president brazenly “refused to answer questions” regarding Deutsche Bank during a closed-door meeting in the German parliament. Afterwords in conversation with journalists, he denied that the negative interest rates being imposed by the ECB are partly responsible for Deutsche Bank and the German financial system’s troubles. Read full story….

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