Federal Court Rules You Can Be Denied a Job If You Have Dreadlocks


‘In a blow to equal rights in workplaces everywhere in America, a federal appeals court ruled September 15 that rescinding a job offer based on a candidate’s refusal to remove her dreadlocks does not constitute racial discrimination on the part of an employer.
The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 3-0 against an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission suit brought on behalf of Chastity Jones. In 2010, Jones was preparing to start a position at Catastrophe Management Systems, an insurance claims processing company, when the human resources department explained the offer came with some specific strings attached. Apparently, Jones could only work at CMS if she agreed to remove her dreadlocks, which a white HR manager claimed violated the company’s grooming policy because they “tend to get messy.” Jones refused, and the offer was rescinded. She then complained to the EEOC, which filed the suit in 2010.’
Read more: Federal Court Rules You Can Be Denied a Job If You Have Dreadlocks

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