Finland First

Finland First became famous both nationally and internationally when 6th of July it held an anti-Islamization demonstration next to the biggest shopping center of Finland, Itis, in Eastern Helsinki.

During the demonstration, a crowd of Muslims and leftists surrounded and abused Finland First supporters. One Somali woman even hit a female Finland First member in the head.

The mainstream media refused to cover the incident. Total mainstream silence. On can be fairly certain that if the roles had been reversed, i.e. a Finn had hit a Somali woman in the head the mainstream media would have erupted in fury.

Naturally, all this made Itis 2 videos very popular. They have been watched over 200 000 times. That is a huge number in a small country of five million people. However, again total silence from the mainstream media.

At the end of Itis 2, it was announced that Itis 3 demonstration will take place on 911-day, i.e. 11th of September. This year it is also the most important holiday for Muslims.


Itis 3 seemed to become a major event that would gather all the Finnish nationalists in one place to demand political independence and oppose Islamization.

But then nearly a week later another nationalist group announced that they would also organize a demonstration against Islamization. This rival demo would take place in the exact same location as Itis 3 but one day earlier!

The most curious aspect of this rival demo was that it was backed by nationalist groups dominated either by the populist Finns Party or the Nordic Resistance Movement (NRM), a Nazi organisation.

The Finns Party is part of a right-wing three-party government that now rules Finland. It has good relations with Germany and similarly has kept borders open for masses of refugees. The populist Finns Party is also relatively pro-Nato and pro-Zionist.


A de facto alliance between Nazis and populists is not as improbable as it sounds. After all, both want to divide the nationalist field among themselves. This is why also in Sweden and in many other countries the nationalist field is divided between Nazis and sell-out populists.

The de facto Nazi-populist alliance is almost natural. The populists benefit when citizens are faced with choosing between Nazis and populists. The overwhelming majority will always choose the latter. The Nazis also benefit because they tend to get many of those nationalists who despise the sell-out populists.

Similarly in Finland. Both the Finns Party and the Nazis would lose if a prominent third option would appear: A genuine nationalist party that supports strong border controls and Swiss-style true independence, neutrality, and localism.

The rival demo coalition led by Nazi and Finns Party dominated organisations shocked the Finnish nationalist field. The grassroots members of those organizations protested what they saw as political cloak and dagger games of their leaders. This is why the list of organizers and organizations taking part in the rival demo kept changing almost daily.

However, there were more surprises to come. It soon turned out that the creation of the Nazi-populist coalition had been facilitated by Fortress Europe (FE), which is itself a coalition of European anti-immigrant parties and organisations such as Pegida.

The rival demo started to prominently use the name and logo of Fortress Europe.


Now, why would FE support True Finns and Nazis against Finland First? Why would they risk tarnishing their name?

Could one reason be that FE includes very pro-Nato groups? Perhaps it is no coincidence that the Eastern European representative of FE is an Estonian, Maria Kaljuste from pro-Nato The Conservative People’s Party of Estonia (EKRE) party.

prag1-440x2711Tatjana Festerling from Pegida at the center. Next to her is Maria Kaljuste from EKRE. (Link to article in the photo)

EKRE itself was born by the merger of People’s Movement of Estonia (PME) and the Estonian Patriotic Movement (EPM). Interestingly, especially EPM is very Eurosceptic but also very pro-Nato. In other words, it wants political but not military independence.

Could this also be a kind of backup plan for Nato? If EU collapses then Fortress Europe will rise and create a Nato-run military union aimed against Russia. This is precisely what has been proposed by some Nato experts.

But the Swiss-model supported by Finland First could ruin the FE plan. Especially since Finland is in a key geostrategic position at the gates of St. Petersburg, Russia.

Finland also tends to create a domino-effect among Scandinavian countries. If Finland had not joined EU, neither would have Sweden. Finnish exit from both EU and Nato cooperation would encourage Sweden to do the same. The success of Finland First could dramatically change the global geopolitical balance.


When the role of the Nazis in the rival demo coalition became public knowledge FE got nervous. Now it looked like a villain. However, FE soon solved its PR problem. First, it changed the venue from Itis to a more remote location. Second, it helped to invite Mona Walter to speak at the demo.


Most of the Nazis left the demo coalition. FE could now breath more freely.

Soon, however, another problem appeared. A screen capture picture showed that the main Finnish organizer of the rival demo had last year defended radical ethnic cleansing of Muslims including their Finnish spouses and children.

Once it became clear that the demo coalition dominated by True Finns ignored the screen capture picture, Marco de Wit contacted Kaljuste. Here is a brief excerpt from a very curious correspondence:

Marco de Wit:

Have you had time to research the backgrounds of the main organisers? For example, are you aware of the ethnic cleansing comment made by XXXXXXXX?

Maria Kaljuste:Im not going to … we do routine reasearces for everybody we are working with or who contacts us. But if we are going to do historical reserces we will not have anybody to fight with against bigger problems. Things witch we found out about your comapany are quit ugli allso both in history and in individual psychological level ..but im not going to touch those ider. Like i sed there are not so many in battel field ..lets do the work.

Marco:What do you mean? First, why are you not interested in the fact the the main organiser of 10.9. demo in Helsinki supports ethnic cleansing (and with tight comb, i.e. radical ethnic cleansing including the [Finnish] wifes and children of immigrants). Is this not the sort of thing that interests Fortress Europe? Second, what are you accusing me of?

Maria:Im not accusing you. .. i wish you and finland well. Because future of my homeland depends on that

Marco:Well, good that you are not making any accusations. However, why are you not interested in the fact that XXXXXXX who is the main organiser of 10.9. demonstration works closely with Nazis (for example the other organizer xxxxxx) and supports ethnic cleansing? Why are you not interested in seeing absolute proof of this? Why does Fortress Europe want to support so strongly such a person?

Maria:why do you want so strongly to destroy company who has swollowd theyr pride and are agree to work today all together for finland as one men. To act against united people … ?

Marco:Working with Nazis and people who support ethnic cleansing is not the way to advance nationalism but to destroy it. Why do you and Fortress Europe want to support such people so strongly?


are you looking for somekind of spesific answer … come on … give an adwise ..mind your own business!

The correspondence continued in similar vein. Kaljuste refused to even discuss the ethnic cleansing or other similar comments made by some of the rival demo organizers.

So de Wit contacted higher-ups in the chain of command. However, no one was interested. FE was determined to give its full support for the rival Helsinki demonstration on the 10th of September.

Whatever the reason, very powerful forces have massed against Finland First and Itis 3.

Finland First must be doing something right!

Itis 3 will be held as originally planned on 11th September at 3-6 PM. Leftists have already threatened to disrupt it.

Itis 3 will be broadcasted live through Olli Heikkilä’s youtube channel. The demo will include speeches in English.

You can support Finland First and Itis 3 by joining or liking our Facebook group.

Reprinted with the author’s permission.

The post Finland First appeared first on LewRockwell.

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