Foreign states supply Syrian rebels with new Grad rockets – FSA commander

‘Foreign states have supplied Syrian rebels with surface-to-surface Grad rockets in response to the Russian-backed offensive in Aleppo, according to Fares al-Bayoush, rebel commander of the Free Syrian Army.
Rockets for the Grad BM-21 multilaunch systems with ranges of 22km and 40km have recently been supplied in “excellent quantities,” Reuters news agency reported on Wednesday, citing Colonel al-Bayoush. The colonel did not specify exactly how many rockets had been received.
Al-Bayoush claims the rockets are to be used on battlefronts in Aleppo, Hama and the coastal region of Syria, adding that this type of ammunition had not previously been supplied to the rebel forces. He said, however, that the rebels are already using Grad rocket stocks they had previously captured from Syrian Army reserves.’
Read more: Foreign states supply Syrian rebels with new Grad rockets – FSA commander

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