Gates And Rockefeller Keep WHO And Global Vaccine Program In Back Pocket

‘The WHO (World Health Organization) is largely controlled by Bill Gates and the Rockefellers. Indeed, they are far and away the major donors to that organization.
This knowledge is public and is even posted at websites like Wikipedia, which read:
In recent years, the WHO’s work has involved increasing collaboration with external bodies.[94] As of 2002, a total of 473 non-governmental organizations (NGO) had some form of partnership with WHO. There were 189 partnerships with international NGOs in formal “official relations” – the rest being considered informal in character.[95] Partners include the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation[96]and the Rockefeller Foundation.
Bill Gates and Rockefellers caused the disaster in India and Pakistan .
It was Gates and the Rockefellers, already infamous for vaccines related to sterility and GMOs (also related to sterility), who caused this human catastrophe, and who then used the WHO to it cover up by labeling the staggering amount of paralysis cases as “non-polio” paralysis.’
Read more: Gates And Rockefeller Keep WHO And Global Vaccine Program In Back Pocket

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