Glyphosate in soybeans and other foods has now reached ‘extreme’ levels while the USDA and FDA do nothing

‘Glyphosate – the cancer-causing active ingredient found in Monsanto’s Roundup weed-killer product – has been found to be present at “extreme” levels in soybeans, and is presumably also present at high levels in other foods, since glyphosate-based herbicides (GBH) are now the most widely-used throughout the world.
While the FDA and USDA have done little towards regulating glyphosate, its use has gradually become the “industry norm,” according to a study published by Independent Science News:
“Globally, glyphosate-tolerant GM soy is the number one GM crop plant and glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide, with a global production of 620 000 tons in 2008. … The world soybean production in 2011 was 251.5 million metric tons, with the United States (33%), Brazil (29%), Argentina (19%), China (5%) and India (4%) as the main producing countries. …’
Read more: Glyphosate in soybeans and other foods has now reached ‘extreme’ levels while the USDA and FDA do nothing

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