Guide: Top 10 Western Lies About the Syrian Conflict

‘Judging by the western mainstream media push this week regarding more sensational alleged ‘chemical weapons’ attacks in Syria, and also by the west’s hand-picked puppet ‘opposition government’ currently being wined and dined in a London five star hotel and meeting with UK mandarins like Boris Johnson – the US-led NATO All Stars are doubling down and recycling 2013 pro-war propaganda talking points in a desperate bid to make the case for yet another “humanitarian intervention.”
Up until recently, the western-led effort to collapse, divide and takeover the nation of Syria has relied on a series of crudely-spun lies and media-generated talking points – all designed to fool the western public into backing another failed ‘nation-building’ (or nation-wrecking, to be more specific) project. On cue it seems, western-based Pro-War apologists (‘progressive liberal’ and Neocon alike) are feverishly crying, “This time it will be different, we swear. We need to save the children from the brutal dictator…” And so it goes.’
Read more: Guide: Top 10 Western Lies About the Syrian Conflict

David Icke – ISIS, made in America

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