How Italy Became a ‘US, NATO Military Laboratory’
‘Over the past years, Italy has turned into a military colony. There are over 100 NATO and United States military bases across the country. There is a stockpile of foreign weapons and ammunitions in Italy, making the country a NATO and US military laboratory.
In an interview with Sputnik, Italian military journalist Antonia Mazzeo touched upon the military colonization of Italy and the risks it could pose for the European country. Answering the question about the number of US military personnel in Italy, Mazzeo said that the figures have not yet been made public.
“However, we can find more or less precise information from requests the Pentagon sends to Congress and Senate to approve spending for military bases in Italy. There are over 10,000 military and civil personnel, plus their families,” the journalist said.’
Read more: How Italy Became a ‘US, NATO Military Laboratory’
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