How The Atlantic Magazine and Mainstream Media Manufactured a BDS Scandal at Syracuse University

‘A manufactured scandal about Palestine solidarity campaigners undermining free speech and intimidating scholars and artists is now capturing headlines around the globe, and it is not hard to understand why. The saga, which takes place at Syracuse University (SU), has all of the makings of a hot story, touching on the stifling “political correctness” of the modern university and the supposed role of BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel) supporters in shutting down debate.
According to the story, which was first told by libertarian Atlantic Magazine columnist Conor Friedersdorf before being picked up by other outlets, BDS supporters on campus created a climate that intimidated a faculty member into disinviting the Israeli filmmaker of the feature-length documentary “The Settlers” from a conference at the school. Freidersdorf uses that narrative to then argue that “fear of ideologically motivated retaliation” is undermining academic freedom.’
Read more: How The Atlantic Magazine and Mainstream Media Manufactured a BDS Scandal at Syracuse University

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