IDF chief denies links to Islamists after MP said army backs Al-Nusra Front

‘The IDF has no links to Al-Nusra Front and other terrorist groups in Syria, the Israeli army chief said, responding to accusations by a Knesset member. The military does, however, have contact with Syrian “militias” to ensure calm on the border, he added.
Speculations about the Israeli military covertly supporting, or at least benefiting from, various Islamist factions, such as Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), Al-Nusra Front and the like, have long circulated in Israel and beyond.
But those speculations remained largely unfounded until last week, when Akram Hasson, a Druze member of Knesset, openly accused the military of aiding the Islamists.’
Read more: IDF chief denies links to Islamists after MP said army backs Al-Nusra Front

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