It Appears Deutsche Bank Is Prepping for an Avalanche of Fraud Charges Including It’s Gold Derivative Products?

‘We have forensically picked apart Deutsche Bank in a way that no other entity ever has, likely including Deutsche Bank itself. While we may not know all of its secrets, we likely now know more than almost everybody else. We will publish our findings to Veritaseum Knowledge clients early this week, but in the meantime we will put little teasers out to the public for the sake of conversation.
“Why?”, you may ask. Well, everybody already knows that Deutsche Bank is a basket case, but we are showing our clients that the real short opportunities and true systemic risks lie within DB’s counterparties, whom have identified and are in the process of putting share price targets on. The first forensic report on the most proximal counterparty with an elevated share price is done, and the first counterparty share price target will be published to European Bank Contagion Assessment, Forensic Analysis & Valuation subscribers within 48 hours.’
Read more: It Appears Deutsche Bank Is Prepping for an Avalanche of Fraud Charges Including It’s Gold Derivative Products?

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