It’s What You Do Today that Counts, Not on Nov. 8!

A new, peaceful world order, dedicated to scientific progress, real economic advancement, and an all-out effort in space exploration, is being woven together at a series of four international summit meetings during September and October.  All four summits complement each other, but the single most important of them is the Group of 20 Summit in China, September 4-5.  If Americans show the intelligence and courage now, in September, to shake off the dying system of Obama and his like, we can begin to revive our nation’s morality, and with it our science and industry.  For those who are old enough to remember it, the effect will resemble what was only promised by the brief administration of the murdered John F. Kennedy, who brought us into space and onto the Moon, where a plaque has lain since 1969 with the words, “We came in peace for all mankind.”

We must return there!  We will return!  The Moon is the irreplaceable gateway to the Solar system and beyond.

The impetus that John Kennedy gave to the U.S. economy during the few short months he was allowed to serve, was not completely exhausted until the beginning of the 1970s.  Now, it is Barack Obama who has finally killed off everything left of the U.S. economy by shutting down our space program.   And the torch that John Kennedy dropped when he was killed, has been picked up by,— Vladimir Putin!  Along with the President of China, Xi Jinping, who is about to open the summit of the Group of 20.

What Russia and China are offering us is, on the one hand, membership in a vast, growing Eurasian system of interdependent infrastructure and growing science-based economy.  This concept was pioneered by Lyndon LaRouche and Helga Zepp-LaRouche beginning in the 1980’s.  Now it has become reality under the name of China’s policy of the New Silk Road adopted in 2013, called, “One Belt, One Road.”

The other, complementary part of their offer is what is called a “New Financial Architecture.”  The present doomed financial system is at the verge of another blowout, which will choke off the means of livelihood throughout the entire trans-Atlantic area.  Economic development based on science, space exploration, and infrastructural “development corridors,” demands a return to the financial system invented by Alexander Hamilton, as Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt also returned to that system later.

Most immediately, we must take action now to insure that the estimated 2 quadrillion dollars of world derivatives (gambling) claims, does not implode and crush us immediately, as was threatened already in 2007-08.  This demands an immediate return to Franklin Roosevelt’s Glass-Steagall law, to separate commercial banking from gambling speculation while there is still time to do so. There is legislation to revive Glass-Steagall, with multiple bipartisan sponsors, in both Houses of Congress. What are our Congressmen and Senators doing?  Do they have any idea how many deaths will result among our citizens, if these vital protections are delayed further?

If you wait to act until Nov 8, it will probably be too late.  Inform yourself and act today, and seek out and make contact with everyone else who will act with us.  The governments of the world’s largest nations are appealing to us to do this, and they are right.

I’m ready to act.

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