Japan’s Problematic Prefecture – Okinawa and the US-Japan Relationship. ‘Japan’s Defence moves closer to Full Integration with that of the US’

‘So rank are the injustices wrought upon Okinawa, and so long continuing, that I am led to conjecture that the reason the world pays so little attention to the issues and makes such muted criticism of the governments largely responsible for the injustices must be that the situation is so complex and so little-reported as to defy understanding.
Historians and political scientists pay close attention to the East China Sea, but tend to see it, and the military conflicts that occur around it, through the prism of the nation state. In what follows, I look at the present and recent past of the “Okinawa problem” through the prism of Okinawa, paying closest attention to how the Okinawan people see their recent past and present. I focus especially on the years of the (second) Abe Shinzo government (beginning December 2012).’
Read more: Japan’s Problematic Prefecture – Okinawa and the US-Japan Relationship. ‘Japan’s Defence moves closer to Full Integration with that of the US’

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